- agritropic news
- Hits: 2210
F1 TOKYO Cucumber
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- agritropic news
- Hits: 2729
TOKYO F1 is a variety with high quality fruits and high yield for outdoor and indoor culture
TOKYO F1 is an improved slicing variety of cucumber. The fruitsetting is high on the main stem and on ramifications as well. Fruits are attractive,uniform and dark green. Fruit quality is insured thanks to multiple disease tolerances.
F1 Cobra 26
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- agritropic news
- Hits: 4460
Our variety for all conditions!
The first variety which combines tolerances to TYLCV and to Bacterial Wilt ! COBRA 26 F1 insures productivity and fiability to producers of Sahelian and Tropical areas, who have to confront pressures more and more complex. COBRA 26 F1 produces in abundance uniform square fruits. Its firmness insures a very good conservation after the harvest.
PINK Sweet
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- agritropic news
- Hits: 3891
On the occasion of the watermelon festival which will be celebrated throughout 2020, discover our new variety, the PINK SWEET.
More productive, PINK SWEET produces larger fruits than KAOLACK and its pink flesh has a very high sugar content.